Siddarth Kamath Week 10: American Citizens and their Poltical Power
When we think of a democratic society we always imagine the people with the political power. We imagine the vote going to the populous and the citizens having the will of the country. But we forget to remember our past and how we, Americans, have bypassed the system and created an unequal playing ground for political platforms. The poltical power in 19th century American were with the political machines. These groups of individuals would take unreasonable actions to make sure the general population would vote for a certain politician. This would be by either giving money as a source of illusionment to show the generosity of the political party or more ruthlessly, "buying" the voter's ballot to rig the voting system. Political machines were controlled by some authority under the politician and the loop grew to become a powerful factor in 19th century politics and real life. Many poor people would take the money and vote for whoever the poli...