Andrelina Hsu Week 16 - Time's Tapestry

Time's Tapestry

    Time is such a funny concept to think about. When you don’t think about it, you rarely notice its presence; however, if you take the time to sit down and reflect on what you were doing this time of last year, you’ll realize how much has actually changed in your life, how far you've come, or even how some things have remained surprisingly constant.

    It feels like it was just yesterday when my friends and I were celebrating Christmas at Enchant San Jose in December, when we were riding the ferris wheel at Alameda County Fair in July, or when we were celebrating the last day of sophomore year in June. Without realizing it, junior year is coming to a close, and soon, the entirety of high school will be over.

    When I don't pay attention and just allow time to pass, it always sneaks by unnoticed. However, when I take the time to really sit down and think about it, it is utterly unbelievable to realize that over five whole months, or 20 weeks, have passed since I was sipping the hot cocoa amidst the bright Christmas lights, and almost a whole year has passed since I was sipping the overpriced lemonade amidst all the food stalls.

    There have been so many times where I would be in the middle of doing something, and I would think to myself, I’ll never get to experience this again. The thing is, even though I will still get to go to the fair this year and ride the exact same ferris wheel, eat the exact same foods, and play the exact same games as I did last year, the feeling will never be the same. This year, I will most definitely feel guilty for being outside instead of working on my college apps, which is not something that I had to worry about last year. Just this alone will change my whole perception of the fair experience, because even though the external elements may appear identical to before, my internal feelings will be much different.

    Nevertheless, as much as I wish I could go back to that carefree time, I would not give up anything in the world to forget the experiences I had this year with the different people at the different places. What makes a moment so special is not because it can be replicated exactly, but because it captures who we are in that specific moment. Even if circumstances change and responsibilities pile up, each experience adds a layer to our story, giving us new experiences and shaping us into who we are becoming. Each moment in our ever-changing lives, with its joys and challenges, all makes up the richness of life and our existence as human beings.


  1. Hi Andrelina! First of all, I love the name you chose for your blog. “Time’s Tapestry” perfectly fits the intricate net of memories we carry with each other every day, whether our experiences are joyous or awful. I find it crazy that junior year is almost over, it feels like yesterday that we stepped foot into this classroom and wrote our first timed write. Your mention of how “the entirety of high school” will reach its end soon is a bit nerve-wracking to think about since college and life as an adult is a big step from being dependent on parents and sheltered from the struggles of completely relying on yourself to provide for you. I can really believe that, in what feels like too soon, we’ll be done with all our APs, school will end, and the first day of senior year will roll around. It is hard to believe that it is already 9:12, too; it does not feel like school has already gone on for forty minutes. I bet, in the blink of an eye, we will all be on our way home. Your guilt over spending more time outside rather than studying is also so relatable. If I were able to turn back time and make some different decisions, I definitely would have, but, similarly to what you expressed, I would not want to give up all the memories I made doing activities not centered around education. Sometimes, it feels so freeing to just live in the present, and I hope we will all be able to cherish our fond memories forever.

  2. Hi Andrelina,
    I enjoyed reading your blog about how time has been moving so quickly, and the memories that go along with it have been rapidly increasing as well. I definitely agree with you that time has been passing by much faster than it used to, at least it feels that way. Every Monday before school, I always think about Friday, and just like that, Friday approaches so quickly. The school months have been going by so quickly, and we are all just two and a half weeks away from summer vacation! It is unimaginable how quickly this school year has gone by, and how it has been months since the first day of school. The first day of school for me felt like it was just yesterday. Other than school, I am still in shock of how so much time has passed just in general. For example, the COVID pandemic lockdowns began just over 4 years ago, and again, it feels like a few months since I saw the email about classes transitioning into online learning. In addition, your description of activities you did with your friends over break reminded me of how long it has actually been since winter and even spring break. Since the pandemic had started, the first vacation I had taken was to Italy in spring of 2022, and I find it mindblowing how that was about 2 years ago. I remember that vacation as if it happened just months ago, but time disagrees. Lastly, now that we are already almost 5 months into 2024, it seems as if time will continue to speed up rather than slow down. Thanks again for sharing your experiences and thoughts about how fast time has passed!

  3. Hi Andrelina! Your reflection on time resonates deeply with me. I completely agree with your point about time moving by faster than it used to. In my opinion, since the pandemic, every single day has felt like it has gone by quickly. It's fascinating how time seems to slip by unnoticed until we take a moment to pause and reflect on how it has passed. Overall, your vivid descriptions of past experiences, such as celebrating Christmas and visiting the fair, evoke a sense of nostalgia. The realization that each moment is unique and can never be fully replicated is profound. Even if we go back and revisit the same places and participate in the same activities, our internal experiences and perceptions change over time. Your blog reflects on the complexity of human emotions and the changing nature of our lives. Your acknowledgment of the inevitable changes and responsibilities that come with time is honest and authentic. It's natural to crave the carefree moments of the past, but embracing the present and the experiences it brings is equally important. Each moment, whether joyful or challenging, contributes to the storyline of our lives and shapes us into who we are becoming. In a world that often feels chaotic and uncertain, your reflection serves as a reminder for us to cherish each moment and embrace the journey of growth and self-discovery. By appreciating the richness of life's experiences, we can find meaning and purpose in even the smallest of moments. I found your blog post in which you shared your thoughts on time and the profound impact it has on our lives particularly impactful. Great job!


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