Siddarth Kamath Week 13: Rooted Memories
We all imagine the day when we will forget the past, all the memories stored in our heads of all the times we have been embarrassed or made mistakes. The usual phrase comes up, "Oh, who cares about that," but in reality it is quite important. It is a time of life where we learn and develop. Sounds familiar? As a baby, we have taken small steps at times. Just like on July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong said on the moon, "one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" on television nationwide ( article ). The context of this message is different but it expresses the same concept. One small step for a baby is one giant leap for their experiences of walking stability as an older, more mature human being. The step marks the time when the individual can truly say, I have been able to walk; I have been able to achieve something of great value starting the day I was born. But the baby steps are not the only important part of our lives. It is also o...